Patagual, aerial shots

Grupo Patagual is a Chilean company with more than 25 years of experience in the real estate market, contributing to the urban development of the country and providing projects that generate a positive impact for the communities.

Patagual has incredible projects in different parts of Chile, so they sought to reflect these places with images and videos of higher quality and chose to make use of the drone to demonstrate the potential of these areas.

For us, working with Grupo Patagual was an exciting challenge. In addition to choosing the best possible drone photographer/pilot to meet the high standards and needs of this great company.

We had to prepare every detail to achieve a significant number of drone photography, drone 360 and drone video images in 11 different locations in the eighth region, in the center south of Chile , which had to be taken in a time limit.

Project in Figures


Different Locations, Grouped In Four Strategic Points.

1 GB

of Material Were Delivered to the Client


Days Taken to Send Final Product to client

This experience was very constructive and challenging for widu. Due to the needs of Grupo Patagual for this particular project, we had to put our foot on the gas and achieve the highest possible speed in our processes, both to get the right professional and to organize the whole session to make it a success. 

The visual professional in charge, embarked on this project for a weekend, to perform the aerial shots in four strategic points, with more than 50km of difference between each one.

Best of all, it took only 2 and a half days to shoot the images, edit them and send the final product to the client. Flash!

Grupo Patagual knew and trusted us completely, they knew that with our service they were on the safe side, which allowed us to do the job in an extraordinary way and deliver just what they asked for.

Before and during the sessions, the professional was accompanied by part of our team.

"This was a very challenging experience for us, but it also proved to be very fruitful for widu. Thus, we put to the test all the capabilities we have to deliver our clients their visual needs with a high quality achieving magnificent results"

Francisco Gallardo, widu co-founder


The aerial shots achieved just what the client was looking for: to show the qualities of the areas of their projects, with a superior quality editing in the images, eliminating unwanted objects and increasing luminosity. In the videos including transitions with music, they generate in both a professional and distinguished result, which will also allow your users to know in greater detail the area of the projects.

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