Like the saying goes “everything goes through the eyes” and when it comes to offering a product, the image is the first thing that counts, so in widu we share with you some tips to take your business photography to another level, as well as different techniques to help you achieve your goals.
The Camera
To start taking your pictures, the first thing you should choose is the device you will use to take the picture of your business. Whether it is a cell phone or a professional camera, remember to know its technical characteristics.
It is usual that the cell phones that are available in the market can do the job of a high quality camera, having a device with more than 12 megapixels will give you better results. Using a cell phone gives you the advantage of retouching photos and uploading them to your website or social networks more immediately.
Cameras, on the other hand, will provide you with superior quality and an almost perfect photographic result. One of the basic features that your camera should have is a good size sensor and the ability to shoot in RAW, this will allow you to have a wider field of action in the post-production of your photos.

In addition to having a good location to take your pictures, another important factor is to take into account the framing. Having a clean, tidy and adequate space according to the type of business, will focus the attention on your product or service. Likewise, positioning and stabilizing your camera correctly will allow you to give prominence to what you want to highlight in your business photography.
We recommend you to try different photography angles to find out which one is the best for your objective, and to use a tripod at all times, in order to obtain greater stability and avoid unwanted movements. A technique that will help you to give a better framing to your photograph is the “rule of thirds”, which consists of dividing the shot into nine parts with two imaginary vertical lines and two parallel horizontal lines. Where these lines meet, we will get four so-called highlights. Place what you want to highlight within these points to give it more prominence.
It won’t do any good to have a spectacular landscape around the property you want to sell if you don’t know how to take advantage of it in your photos to highlight its architecture or details. Nor will the same landscape work to promote, for example, a pencil, because it could get lost in such immensity.
Having good lighting in a photos of your business can determine the tone of what you want to convey, and even influence the mood of the viewer. Therefore, it is necessary to control and manipulate light correctly, whether natural or artificial, to achieve the best texture, color vibrancy and brightness to suit your objectives. For example, a room with good natural lighting and warm tones will make you feel calm, cheerful and at home.
Always try to avoid backlit photos at all costs. Ideally, the light should hit what you want to photograph from the front or at a 45º angle. If you don’t usually use flash, it is better to dispense with it in your business photography.

La Edición
After you have your business photo shoot ready, it’s time to edit. If you have decided to do them on your own, you will most likely want a simple edit.
Ideally, it should be as natural as possible. Think that in that photo you are preparing for your website or social networks, they must faithfully convey the image of your product or your business to the people who see it. If you put filters that, for example, adulterate the color, you can have several disadvantages when that customer comes into contact with your brand.
You will find many programs or applications to edit your photos, therefore, we recommend some that will allow you to give that touch-up to your images: For your photos with a professional camera, we recommend using Lightroom, Photoshop, Capture One and Luminar, and to use from your cell phone, Afterlight, Hypocam and Snapseed.
Finally, don’t forget that creating excellent visual content conveys information faster than any other method of communication. For businesses and their consumers, images are like the first great impression, and when it comes to choosing among the images available on the web, your business photography is the one that ultimately makes the difference and drives your sales.
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