DVP Solar, Technical 3D Renders

Case Study

widu has successfully collaborated with DVP, a solar energy company, to complete several high-impact visual projects.

Project Overview
widu was tasked with creating detailed 3D renders for DVP’s energy projects across various locations in Germany and France.

The projects focused on showcasing solar panel installations that worked around rural and mixed-use locations.

The aim was to provide DVP with high-quality visual representations to support their marketing, planning, and stakeholder engagement activities.

The render projects were completed in several locations in including Radgendorf, Schnaittenbach, Burgdorf and Stockheim.

Solar Panel Models
widu created renders for three distinct solar panel models, highlighting the differences and unique features of each installation.

Project Details

1 Types

of solar panel models

1 Sites

across locations in Germany

1 Days

For Final Delivery (including updates)

Planning and Coordination

widu worked closely with DVP to understand their requirements and the specifics of each location.

This involved:

  • Local onsite drone specialists: In key locations, we combined onsite visuals expertise with digital renders.
  • Client Meetings: Regular meetings with DVP to align on project objectives and timelines.

Modelling and Rendering

Using advanced 3D modeling software, widu created realistic and detailed renders that accurately represented DVP’s installations. The process included:

  • High-Resolution Modeling: Crafting high-resolution 3D models of solar panels and heavy machinery.
  • Texturing and Lighting: Applying realistic textures and lighting to enhance the visual appeal and accuracy of the renders.
  • Quality Assurance: Conducting rigorous quality checks to ensure the final renders met DVP’s standards and expectations.
Outcome 1: Enhanced Marketing Materials

The high-quality visuals provided by widu significantly enhanced DVP’s marketing materials, enabling them to present their projects compellingly to potential investors and stakeholders.

Outcome 2: Improved Planning and Stakeholder Engagement

The detailed renders facilitated better planning and communication with stakeholders, providing a clear and precise representation of the projects’ scope and impact.

Client Feedback

"Working with widu has been a fantastic experience. Their renders are of exceptional quality, demonstrating remarkable flexibility and speed. They have consistently exceeded our expectations, providing visuals that perfectly capture the essence of our projects."
Julieta Giganti, DVP Solar

Looking for professional visual content for your company?

At widu, we help you create visuals that will take your business to another level.

Caterina House, Renders

Case Study

Case Study: Caterina Homes and widu - A Dazzling Transformation from Old Apartments to New Homes!

Caterina Homes, Spain's first company dedicated to corporate apartment management, stands out for its mission to provide professionals with apartments that make them feel at home. For their latest project, they needed impactful visual representations that would capture the unique essence of their new property. They had a clear and determined vision of what they wanted to achieve.

This is where widu, a specialized architectural visualization company, came into the picture to bring Caterina Homes' vision to life. With agility, high quality, and a collaborative approach, we embarked on creating renders and an impressive 3D floor plan to present this exciting development.

Project Details

1 Types

of visuals (3D Plans, Render)

1 Homes

with several different rooms and views

1 Days

For Final Delivery (including updates)

The result was simply dazzling: clean and realistic aesthetics that satisfied the client. The combination of the realism in the renders and the immersion provided by the 3D floor plan allowed potential clients to fall in love with the project even before it was built.

Our Managing Director in Spain was delighted with the outcome and didn't hesitate to express his enthusiasm:

"Both works were executed with exceptional quality and in record time. The combination of the detailed 3D floor plans and the impressive renders provided our future clients with a perfect vision of what it would be like to live in this new property.""

In summary, the successful collaboration between Caterina Homes and widu brought to life the vision of transforming old apartments into modern homes with a striking visual presentation. widu's passion, professionalism, and dedication left a lasting impression on the client, demonstrating that well-crafted visual representations are an invaluable tool for showcasing the beauty and potential of real estate projects.

This project is a true example of how architectural renders can showcase the potential of an upcoming property development.


Ultra-fast delivery of 3D real estate renderings and combined floor plans across multiple projects and locations.

Looking for professional visual content for your company?

At widu, we help you create visuals that will take your business to another level.

Hotel Magnolia, premium photography

Case Study

Providing a premium photography service to the Magnolia Hotel

The Magnolia Hotel has taken an exciting step in collaboration with widu, the leading startup in premium photography services for the hotel industry. With the photoshoot already completed, the hotel is now ready to kick off a strategic promotion using the stunning images captured by widu.

The premium photographs, meticulously crafted by the widu team, capture the essence and values of the Magnolia Hotel, highlighting its sophistication and distinctive elegance. Every important detail has been carefully reviewed to present the true experience that the hotel offers to its guests.

With its focus on cutting-edge technology and top-level photographers, widu has achieved high-quality images that showcase the stunning spaces, rooms, and luxury suites, the exquisite rooftop restaurant, and the world-class relaxing spa of the Magnolia Hotel. Additionally, the photographs capture the unique and welcoming atmosphere that characterizes the hotel, providing a captivating glimpse for prospective clients.

Hotel Magnolia

Project Details

1 Days

for the photoshoot

1 Photos

Premium for magazine photoshoot

1 Rooms

throughout the hotel

The future of the Magnolia Hotel looks bright, as these captivating images will be used for its promotion across the hotel's digital channels. A significant transformation in its online presence is anticipated, attracting new customers and reinforcing the loyalty of existing guests.

With this strategy, the Magnolia Hotel will further solidify its position as a recognized luxury destination in the competitive hotel industry.

Thanks to the successful collaboration with widu, the Magnolia Hotel is ready to stand out in its industry.

Its commitment to providing an exceptional experience to its guests will be faithfully reflected in the images captured by widu. We wish all the success to the Magnolia Hotel!


Premium photos and prompt image delivery allowed the Magnolia Hotel to enhance its appeal to luxury travelers and continue being a benchmark in the hotel industry.

Want the best visual content for your company?

At widu, we help you create visuals that will take your business to another level.

Darya Living, more than a virtual tour

Case Study

Darya Living is a company specialized in high-standard rental services for short, medium, and long stays. They have properties in the most emblematic neighborhoods of Madrid.

The main concern of the operator was to have high-quality visual material in an easy way, without having to search for different suppliers for each service, such as photographic reports, videos for social media, and virtual tours. This would allow prospective tenants to envision themselves living in one of their properties.

When they contacted us, Darya Living explained what they were looking for, and through widu, we were able to offer them all the solutions through a single channel. This has greatly facilitated the logistics of material production, as everything is streamlined with a single provider, and thanks to our processes, it has allowed for a quick delivery of the final material.

Project Numbers

1 Shoots

and 45 hours of working at the venues

1 Types

of visuals - photos, video and virtual tours

1 Hours

All visuals delivered

As a result, the company is extremely satisfied and happy with our services as it has allowed them to accelerate their marketing cycle and have high-quality materials that match the caliber of their properties.

Pablo Sánchez Romero, Director of Expansion, states:

"It is fast and easy to work with widu. From the very beginning, they understood our concept, customer profile, and what we were looking for. They have achieved great results and are undoubtedly a key partner when it comes to visual material."

This is how Francisco Gallardo, co-founder of widu, describes it:

"Working with Darya Living is a constant challenge for our operations team and visual professionals because everything has to be top-notch, just like their properties."


We enhance the visual experience of Darya's high-standard properties by offering different types of services so that their clients can have a wide range of options for exploring the space.

Does your business need better visuals?

At widu, we help you create visuals that will take your business to another level.

Giulia Carboni, premium photography

Case Study

We are happy to share our work with the talented Italian architect based in Chile, Giulia Carboni. In particular, we want to highlight the project at the Exequiel Fernández Building in Santiago, Chile. An impressive project that left us amazed!

At widu, we are experts in high-quality photography for high-standard clients, and working with Giulia Carboni was an unforgettable experience. We worked together to carefully plan the photo shoot and reflect Giulia's attention to detail in every corner of the building. Giulia Carboni was the only woman among architects and interior designers in Chile in the Latin American AD100 ranking, and we are happy to have had the opportunity to work with her.

At widu, we are committed to providing personalized services to meet the needs of our clients. Our attention to detail and commitment to quality allow us to meet our clients' expectations. En widu, estamos comprometidos a brindar servicios personalizados para satisfacer las necesidades de nuestros clientes. Nuestra atención al detalle y compromiso con la calidad nos permite alcanzar las expectativas de nuestros clientes.

Project in Figures

1 Days

To otganise the photoshoot

1 +

Premium Photos delivered

1 hrs

Delivered to the client

Just as Giulia herself said:

"At widu, they immediately understood the type of photography - light, colors, details, focus - that I was looking for to represent my projects. The photographers have knowledge of architecture and interior design, and this is reflected in their work. They pay attention to detail while also capturing the atmosphere and overall vision of the place they are photographing. The delivery times are very fast, and the attention and willingness to help are excellent."

We not only capture the beauty of Giulia's designs but also convey the essence of the project through our photographs. The result was spectacular, and we are proud to have contributed to the success of this project.

This is how Francisco Gallardo, co-founder of widu, describes it:

"The experience with Giulia was very smooth. We had worked together in a workshop in Santiago, so we know what she wants, and thanks to that, we were able to find the photographer who best suited her needs. We were able to respond very well in the editing process, resolving every detail she requested since it was a meticulous job."


Premium photos and fast delivery of the images, along with professionalism and creativity, ensured that the photos captured the essence of Giulia Carboni's designs.

Would you like to create the best visual content visual content for your company?

At widu we help you create visuals that will take your business to another level.

PY Inmobiliaria, a full service

Case Study

PYInmobiliaria is one of the most respected property developers in Chile, building homes for Chilean families for over 40 years. They are active throughout the country and work across a broad range of projects.

They sought our help to generate high quality images and video across six different locations in Central and Southern Chile.

Working with PY Inmobiliaria was a rewarding experience. We had to quickly find the most suitable photographers that matched the needs and location of the shoot.

We worked hard to have every detail covered. We were happy with the outcomes, generating photographs, videos and drone shoots that highlighted the quality and scope of their latest developments.

Project In Figures


different locations, located in Central and Southern Chile.


types of services for each project (Photos, Videos, Drone)


working days before the final delivery to the customer

The biggest challenge for us was the sheer amount of material requested within a tight timeframe. We had to find the right people for these shoots, a key task in order to achieve exceptional quality in each of the photographs and videos.

The client needed to cover a significant amount of visual content. For six days we worked on six housing projects, located in central and southern Chile.

Among the services requested by PY Inmobiliaria were photographs and videos of each of the house models in the projects. In addition, they wanted to have drone shots of the construction areas, highlighting their attributes, points of interest and nearby areas, such as access roads, supermarkets, parks and schools.

For PY Inmobiliaria, our proximity to them was important, because we not only took the photographs and edited them, but we were also at their side to understand what they wanted to transmit with these audiovisual products.

From the beginning of the projects we drew up a roadmap together with the client, demonstrating our flexibility for the realization of the sessions and our agility in the delivery of the final content.

"Thanks to the challenge that PY Inmobiliaria projects proposed to us, we tested the capacity and efficiency of our network of photographers located in different areas of Chile, managing to shoot six projects in six days, keeping our quality intact and delivering an incredible final product"

Francisco Pérez, Head of Sales at widu


The photographs, videos and aerial shots satisfired the client's needs: to show each of the projects as friendly properties to live in, close and familiar to their buyers.

Thanks to our processes we were able to highlight each of their attributes, giving them a touch of modernity and style. We were able to transmit through the final product what the client was looking for, projects that are affordable and with pleasant common areas for their buyers.

"We are delighted with widu's approach to our company and their understanding of our objectives. Their final products are not only of high quality, but also convey what we are looking for in our buyers"

PY Inmobiliaria

Would you like to create the best visual content visual content for your company?

At widu we help you create visuals that will take your business to another level.

Patagual, aerial shots

Case Study

Grupo Patagual is a Chilean company with more than 25 years of experience in the real estate market, contributing to the urban development of the country and providing projects that generate a positive impact for the communities.

Patagual has incredible projects in different parts of Chile, so they sought to reflect these places with images and videos of higher quality and chose to make use of the drone to demonstrate the potential of these areas.

For us, working with Grupo Patagual was an exciting challenge. In addition to choosing the best possible drone photographer/pilot to meet the high standards and needs of this great company.

We had to prepare every detail to achieve a significant number of drone photography, drone 360 and drone video images in 11 different locations in the eighth region, in the center south of Chile , which had to be taken in a time limit.

Project in Figures


Different Locations, Grouped In Four Strategic Points.

1 GB

of Material Were Delivered to the Client


Days Taken to Send Final Product to client

This experience was very constructive and challenging for widu. Due to the needs of Grupo Patagual for this particular project, we had to put our foot on the gas and achieve the highest possible speed in our processes, both to get the right professional and to organize the whole session to make it a success. 

The visual professional in charge, embarked on this project for a weekend, to perform the aerial shots in four strategic points, with more than 50km of difference between each one.

Best of all, it took only 2 and a half days to shoot the images, edit them and send the final product to the client. Flash!

Grupo Patagual knew and trusted us completely, they knew that with our service they were on the safe side, which allowed us to do the job in an extraordinary way and deliver just what they asked for.

Before and during the sessions, the professional was accompanied by part of our team.

"This was a very challenging experience for us, but it also proved to be very fruitful for widu. Thus, we put to the test all the capabilities we have to deliver our clients their visual needs with a high quality achieving magnificent results"

Francisco Gallardo, widu co-founder


The aerial shots achieved just what the client was looking for: to show the qualities of the areas of their projects, with a superior quality editing in the images, eliminating unwanted objects and increasing luminosity. In the videos including transitions with music, they generate in both a professional and distinguished result, which will also allow your users to know in greater detail the area of the projects.

Would you like to create the best visual content visual content for your company?

At widu we help you create visuals that will take your business to another level.